Mayday! Mayday! There's been a change of plans.

After further speculation, we've discovered some errors with our planning and filming schedule. The previous schedule did not account for one of our group mates getting a part-time job.With this observation, we’re decided to rethink our plan and crest another schedule more appropriate for us. When taking the job hours into perspective. We reviewed some other plans we may have made on possible filming days and talk about it. We listed out all of our plans for the next few weekends and Me and Lucia are apart of the band and usually we usually have practice everyday. Our practices also run towards 6pm or even 7pm so it may be too late to film.  Meanwhile Kai is in mock trial which meets every other day. Between our activities, homework assignments and social life to judge we decided our plans for filming would have to change. During class we discussed each other our plans for during the week, our work schedule and plans for the weekend. 

In class, I suggested us doing it on Thursday  but none of us have cars. So that was an obstacle we have to overcome as well. Mia and I decided we were going to ask the bus director at our school to allow us to go in the bus with Lucia and Kai and be dropped off at their stop. This would save us time and money since we’d all be arriving at the same time. We are not sure if we are necessary going to be allowed to but we are going to try. Again, it would help us a lot with timing. Another obstacle we have to face is the lighting outside. Since it is March, we’re in the middle of day light saving so the sun sets later than it would if we filmed in November. 

We are going to start filming this weekend which allows us to have plenty of time for changes and editing. This is will be our first day filming and setting the tone for our opening sequence. Depending on how it goes we may only need to film one day and make changes after. 


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