Title Research: The game
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones?
Four titles are shown back to back, transitioning to one another by breaking into puzzles pieces then rebuilding themselves. These three titles are the entertainment company "polygram." Next to being "Polygram Filmed Entertainment Presents" to "a Propaganda Film Production." Ending with the show's title name "The game."
What connations do the images carry out?
The series of old, flashback, malfunctioning images give us a brief look into a family's history. Showing all of the private moments and family gatherings. A piano plays throughout the series of images, adding an uneasiness. What is supposed to be a nostalgic look into a family's past is tainted with an eerie and strange tone. Ultimately giving it a peculiar, negative connotation.
How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
Its symbolic codes are mainly shown in the character's acting. Though this sequence is supposed to seem positive and a look back in time. The characters are seen acting happy in many of the scenes, but an image of aggression, anger or violence is thrown in multiple times to interrupt the happiness. Even when the character's faces show a smile, their body language is one of annoyance, such as a clenched jaw, narrowed eyebrows, or intense eye contact. The body contact between characters is uncomfortable for one of the characters. One scene shows a baby being passed to his brother, once in his arms the baby begins to cry and kick. Another one is a wife and husband hand in hand, only for the husband seen trying to leave and looking for others to talk to. Technical codes are malfunctions, glitches, and pauses during the sequences. While the series of videos are playing the back, black spots and lines are constantly glitching over it. In some scenes, the videos glitch out of shot for a couple seconds. All of these codes reinforce its thriller genre.
What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The main one would be the whole amount of forest in the background of almost every scene. It foreshadows and provides a place to hide/isolate when the violence begins to happen. Quick cuts from scene to scene, providing no elaboration for any characters/events. There is piano music playing in the background, although it seems to be calming, it's not suited for the scenes shown and ultimately comes off creepy. All of these chilling conventions appeal to its target audience.
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