Title design (in detail)
Font: We will be using either a comic book style font such as MV Boli or Sitka Test which allows for a clean look
Contrast: Color- White or black
Size- sizing depends on the scene and what fits
Purpose- what is important for the audience to read? The different titles give the audience the idea of who did what and the production they are able to receive during the film
Working title: "Unforgettable"
- and will be in all caps using our designated font: SOMETHING ALONG THESE LINES
How will the titles (the words) enter and leave the screen? The titles will enter the screen and placed on different objects on the screen and disappear accordingly
How long will each title be on the screen before it disappears? Each title will be on the screen for a maximum of 6 seconds while the director's name will be presented longer.
Working title: "Unforgettable"
- and will be in all caps using our designated font: SOMETHING ALONG THESE LINES
Using black or white font but the titles will appear like this: Directed By: Kai Lobban
Name of the Studio (presents): KML Studio Presents
Name of the Production Company: TreeEye Pictures
Actors' names: Lucia Rodriguez, Mia Obraitis, Willow Rivera
Film Title: "Unforgettable"
Music by: undetermined
Edited by: Mia Obraitis
Producer or Produced by, Executive producer: Produced by KML studios
Story by: KML Studios
Written by: Lucia Rodriguez
Directed by: Kai lobban
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