Filming day 2 Blog

For the second day of filming, we observed more than we shot. After reviewing the shots from Thursday, my group and I thought it would be best to go back out for more footage. It wasn't all the clips that needed to be done, so we did it periodically. We went back outside to the original spot of filming. The area, at this time, was filled with students so we had to go with our backup plan. We went back to the classroom and filmed there. I, again, was the second actor so I didn't have to film till a little bit later in the period. Instead, I helped set up the area for shooting. The concept for our commercial didn't change so we were still capturing a student's life. I was helping set up the computer and area to look like a student's desk. I laid out assignments from other classes and set up a word document for the first actor, Lucia, to write on. Once it was my turn to be filmed, I got to listen to more music and use features on the mac. Since it was the second day of filming, I felt more comfortable. The "acting" felt also more natural in a way.
I talked with the editor of the commercial, Jacob, more about the background music. Again the music I used in my shots was not going to be used in the final project. We decided to go with Passion by PinkPantheress since it's a calm song and is schools appropriate. Jacob, the editor, was about to download it and place it in the commercial. After shooting, I went around the areas we filmed and helped pick up all the props everything. Since the next class, we'll focus on the editing, we left most clips untouched. 

Everything You Need To Successfully Work Outside | Grazia


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