Hello, my name is Willow Rivera and I am currently enrolled as a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. throughout this year, I'll have to lead you into my journey of being not only a Cambridge student but more specify an AICE Media studies student. I am currently taking AICE U.S history along with this class. Since it is my junior year, it is very important to build a presentable transcript and the school allowing us to take college-level classes is really impressive. I am interested in a future career in the film industry probably as a producer of some sort. I've always been in love with the idea of being a part of something everyone can enjoy regardless of their age. I know many people think having a degree in film is pretty useless since most get their skills from experience. However, being in this class especially since it's a college-level class will give me a good foundation to work towards that goal. I plan to join a film camp this summer which is just another step forward in an occupation in tv and movies.
As for how I am in school, I'm in around three different clubs trying to judge school and social life. I participate in the school's marching band, along with the book club, and work in relation to gaining volunteer hours to graduate. I was never one for sports or academic clubs till I discovered my love for reading. The spark showed up much later in age because of being forced to read so much for school but I am glad it is a program I can embark in at Fort Lauderdale High. As for me as a person, I like many things from old films to good trees. Some of my favorite movies include Roman Holiday, The Goldfinch, and The basketball diaries. They are all individually different but are beautiful works of art. Someday I wish to create such movies for people to be inspired. Something I want to gain from this class is not just an A in the class and on the exam but real-world experience. I want to be able to leave the classroom being able to contribute to the working field. Passing and putting my best foot forward motivates me to try my best in school.
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